Episode 103: Thirteen Recent Plays at Geekway Mini (Five Knizia Reviews Inside!)
An atypical episode of Decision Space, this week focuses on Jake's thirteen recent plays at the Geekway Mini convention. There were plenty of high highs and low lows among the games covered, but perhaps most exciting of all were the 5, count 'em, 5! Reiner Knizia games played. Big shout out to Jared, Tyler, Joe, and Bridget for being involved in many of the games and stories recounted on todays episode. This Interdecisional Space is taking off. Next stop, Geekway to the West. See y'all there!
Intro - 0:00
Planet Unknown - 5:01
Dead Reckoning - 11:39
Messina 1347- 16:55
San Francisco - 25:03
Mille Fiori - 30:54
High Society - 36:18
Art Robbery - 41:51
Hit! - 45:12
Renature - 47:41
Tiletum- 48:04
Scout - 42:45
Cosmic Frog- 57:40
Trajan- 1:03:15