Episode 118: Top 10 Games of All Time

Let's cut to the chase. Today, Brendan and I bring you our top 10 games of all time as of May 3rd, 2023. It's been about 80 episodes since we last shared our lists, so this seemed as good a time as any to update you as to who we are and how we are growing as gamers since last time around.

Look below for Jake and Brendan’s Top 50 Games lists!

Jake’s Top 50 Games

  1. A Feast for Odin

  2. The Castles of Burgundy

  3. Ra

  4. Bruges

  5. Grand Austria Hotel

  6. My City

  7. Renature

  8. Broom Service

  9. Barrage

  10. The Isle of Cats

  11. The Mind

  12. Carpe Diem

  13. The Voyages of Marco Polo

  14. The Resistance

  15. El Grande

  16. So Clover!

  17. Wavelength

  18. Troyes

  19. Underwater Cities

  20. Just One

  21. Azul

  22. Bonfire

  23. Monikers

  24. Aeon's End

  25. Kingdomino

  26. KeyForge: Call of the Archons

  27. Lost Cities

  28. Fresco

  29. Five Tribes

  30. Race for the Galaxy

  31. Living Forest

  32. Spirit Island

  33. Coloretto

  34. Imhotep

  35. Blokus

  36. Ark Nova

  37. Savannah Park

  38. Arkham Horror: The Card Game

  39. Claim It!

  40. Riftforce

  41. Kanagawa

  42. Architects of the West Kingdom

  43. Key Harvest

  44. Qwixx

  45. Twenty One

  46. Transatlantic

  47. Patchwork

  48. 7 Wonders Duel

  49. In the Year of the Dragon: 10th Anniversary

  50. High Society

Brendan’s Top 50 Games

  1. Babylonia

  2. Broom Service

  3. Cosmic Encounter

  4. El Grande

  5. Tigris & Euphrates

  6. BattleCON: Devastation of Indines

  7. Keyflower

  8. Cascadia

  9. The Resistance

  10. Monolith Arena

  11. Modern Art

  12. Barrage

  13. The Fox in the Forest

  14. My City

  15. Lost Cities

  16. Azul

  17. Codenames

  18. Great Western Trail (Second Edition)

  19. In the Year of the Dragon: 10th Anniversary

  20. Kanagawa

  21. Patchwork

  22. 7 Wonders

  23. Renature

  24. The Palaces of Carrara

  25. KeyForge: Call of the Archons

  26. The Castles of Burgundy

  27. Cartographers

  28. Spirit Island

  29. Great Western Trail

  30. Coloretto

  31. 7 Wonders Duel

  32. Imhotep

  33. Dominion

  34. Carpe Diem

  35. Kingdom Builder

  36. Riftforce

  37. That's Pretty Clever!

  38. A Feast for Odin

  39. Race for the Galaxy

  40. Star Realms

  41. Welcome To...

  42. Vinhos: Deluxe Edition

  43. Sushi Go!

  44. Kingdomino

  45. Lost Ruins of Arnak

  46. The Mind

  47. Agricola

  48. Blue Lagoon

  49. High Society

  50. Castles of Mad King Ludwig


Episode 119: The CoD of Board Games? Architects of the West Kingdom Deep Dive


Episode 117: Overcentralizing Mechanisms and Messina 1347