Episode 121: Geekway Plays and Large Player Count Games Feat. Blood on the Clocktower, Guards of Atlantis II, and Challengers!
We did it. Jake and Brendan have final met and gamed together in person, and, good news, we aren't ending the podcast. In this episode we briefly touch on all the games we played that we said we wanted to play on last weeks episode, then we pivot. In the second half, we discuss some large player count games we got to try at geekway, including Blood on the Clocktower, Guards of Atlantis II, and Challengers! We are leaving room here to talk more in depth about all the other awesome games we played at Geekway in future episodes. We'll see you there, but before them, suit up decisionaughts and let's ride!
Intro - 0:00
Bamboo - 6:56
Findorff - 8:40
Challengers!- 10:39
Millennium Blades - 10:58
Blood on the Clocktower- 12:41
Samurai - 12:59
Imperial 2030 - 14:29
My City Roll & Build - 16:58
Pokemon TCG - 17:58
Monolith Arena - 18:52
Solforge Fusion - 19:56
Ra - 20:58
Babylonia- 22:04
Zoo Vadis- 24:06
Tikal - 25:07
Hansa Teutonica - 25:52
Unrest - 26:15
Blood on the Clocktower - 30:50
Guards of Atlantis II - 41:03
Challengers! - 54:13
Troyes and Chicago Express (Wabash Canonball) are likely to be our next deep dive episodes!