Episode 150: We Rank Every Game - 2023 Year End Special

This is the 150th episode of Decision Space. I really can hardly believe it, and how fitting it is that it lands on the annual year-end special where we look back at and rank every game from every deep dive this year. Everyone, join is the Interdecisional Spaceship bridge at once!

Rankings and episode timestamps included below!


Intro - 0:00
Main Discussion - 5:10
Zooleretto - 5:50
Messina 1357 - 7:55
Santa Monica - 10:24
Spots - 13:17
Architects of the west Kingdom - 15:30
Ark Nova - 19:55
Tikal - 24:22
Torres - 28:00
Chicago Express/Wabash Cannonball - 32:25
Barrage - 37:18
In the Year of the Dragon - 41:15
Troyes- 45:38
Can't Stop - 49:15
Coloretto - 52:17
Babylonia - 55:39
Heat - 59:33
Renature- 1:02:35
My City- 1:08:01
Challengers - 1:13:55
Community Top 10 - 1:19:50
Patreon Patron Goal - 1:24:00



  1. Renature

  2. Challengers!

  3. My City

  4. Troyes

  5. Heat

  6. Can't Stop

  7. Torres

  8. Coloretto

  9. Ark Nova

  10. Barrage

  11. Architects of the West Kingdom

  12. Tikal

  13. In the Year of the Dragon

  14. Babylonia

  15. Chicago Express

  16. Santa Monica

  17. Messina 1347

  18. Spots

  19. Zooleretto


  1. Babylonia

  2. My City

  3. Challengers

  4. In the Year of the Dragon

  5. Chicago Express

  6. Heat

  7. Coloretto

  8. Renature

  9. Barrage

  10. Can't Stop

  11. Tikal

  12. Troyes

  13. Torres

  14. Architects of the West Kingdom

  15. Spots

  16. Ark Nova

  17. Zooleretto

  18. Santa Monica

  19. Messina 1347


  1. Babylonia

  2. Barrage

  3. Renature

  4. Ark Nova

  5. Heat: Pedal to the Metal

  6. Tikal

  7. My City

  8. Troyes

  9. Can't Stop

  10. Challengers!


Episode 151: The Future of Decision Space


Episode 149: Paradigm Shifting Games