Episode 154: Roll and Write Games
Trying something new here. This week we explore not, not two, but all of the roll and write games. That's right, we're taking on the whole roll and write genre. What types of decisions are found in these games, what does the genre do well, and maybe what is better left served by other core mechanisms? We hope you enjoy this episode, fellow decisionaughts!
Intro - 0:00
Defining Roll and Write - 2:07
Castles of Burgundy - 5:02
Twilight Inscription/Hadrian's Wall - 6:09
Get on Board - 9:04
My City - 9:37
Can't Stop - 10:59
Types of Roll and Write Games - 12:22
Welcome To- 12:36
Next Station: London- 13:07
Qwixx/Twenty-One - 14:04
Cartographers/Railroad Ink/Trails of Tucana - 16:16
Ganz Schon Clever - 24:16
Rajas of the Ganges Dice Charmers/Three Sisters/Fleet - 25:41
Rolling Realms - 30:49