Episode 78: Living Forest - WE’RE DOING THE HOTNESS
Interdecisional Spaceship passengers, it is the moment you have been waiting for. A moment many thought, us included, would never come. Though it may go against our morals, religion, and ethos, for one day only on Decision Space, we are doing the hotness! That's right, we are covering Living Forest hot off the presses after having just won the Kennerspiel des Jahres. (That is German expert board game of the year to the uninitiated.) We'll do our traditional deep dive, decision-centered review, if we can remember how that goes after a few weeks of discussion topics. How does it go again? Is this thing on?
Time Stamps
New Article - 0:00
Rules Overview - 10:28
Decision Space Exploration - 13:30
Pre-planners: Isle of Cats, Blood Rage, and more!