Episode 124: Comfort Games (What We Talk About)
Snuggle up in a favorite cozy corner, grab yourself a chai, and just make yourself comfortable. Today, all seats in the Interdecisional Spaceship are not in their up right and locked position. Today, we are laid back, relaxed, and chilling out to the low-volume, dulcet tones of Jake and Brendan as we talking about comfort games. We discuss what makes a game comfortable, why that is valuable, and offer some of our favorites in this broad and gentle category.
Cascadia - 2:07
Dorfromantic - 2:19
Next Station: London - 2:41
Fun Facts - 3:01
Challengers! - 4:04
Tikal - 8:34
Azul - 9:40
Trajan - 14:06
My City - 15:31
Cascadia - 19:10
Welcome To - 22:58
Carcasonne - 24:27
Arboretum - 28:18
Cascadia - 29:36
Castles of Burgundy - 31:14
My City - 33:10
Qwixx - 36:33
Trails of Tucana - 38:01
Cartographers - 38:39
So Clover, Just One, and Codenames - 40:20
Fun Facts - 42:53
True Colors - 43:08
Dominion - 43:51
Sagrada - 44:57
Castles of Mad King Ludwig - 46:27
Aeon's End - 48:07
Kingdomino - 49:55
Savannah Park - 50:38