Episode 125: Designer Space - Kramer and Kiesling (Bonus Tikal Mini Review!)
For the first time, Decision Space attempts to explore the ludography and design ethos of a famous board game designer. We are nothing if not ambitious, so perhaps unwisely, this first effort features two designers - Wolfgang Kramer and Michael Kiesling. We'll start with a mini review of Tikal, then dive into what the history and games that make these designers great. Buckle up Interdecisional Spaceship travelers, this trip will run a smidge longer than normal.
Intro and Housekeeping - 0:00
Tikal - 4:33
Heimlich & Co - 24:15
Downforce - 24:44
El Grande - 30:55
6 Nimmt! - 33:22
Colosseum - 33:52
Princes of Florence - 35:11
Heimlich and Co. - 35:48
Azul - 36:36
Azul Stained Glass of Sintra - 36:47
Azul Summer Pavilion - 36:57
Azul Queen's Garden- 36:59
Vikings - 39:49
Heaven & Ale - 41:03
Miyabi - 45:34
The Mask Triology (Tikal, Cuzco, Mexica) - 47:24
Cuzco - 47:42
Torres - 50:30
Palaces of Carrara- 53:08
Renature - 54:00
Savannah Park - 57:35
Maharaja - 1:00:07
Coal Baron - 1:00:13
Linko!- 1:00:38
Chicago Express (Wabash Cannonball), Challengers! are in our hopper. We are also considering adding Ark Nova to the queue.